
Electrical Inspection
Don’t Get Shocked: Electrical Safety in The Home Featured Image
Electrical safety in the home is a paramount concern for homeowners. Electrical hazards can cause serious injury or even death, and common electrical safety risks include overloaded circuits, improper wiring, and malfunctioning appliances. Statistics Statistics related to electrical safety in the home are alarming. According to the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs, electrical fires account for...
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Common Issues When Buying or Selling an Older Home (and How to Avoid Them) Featured Image
Selling or buying an older home can be an exciting adventure today, filled with eye-opening experiences that teach you about the knowledge required for such a significant transaction. Learning about potential problems and situations beforehand is a smart practice before taking that step. Robart Electric is here to help and educate you on electrical issues...
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Uncle Dave Did Our Electrical Wiring Featured Image
We all know that aluminum wiring in homes can lead to fires. Allow me to share a recent experience: I got a call from a Realtor who said her buyers were excited about this 1973 home, but the home inspector discovered aluminum wiring in the electrical box. The homeowner reassured them, saying, “It’s okay, Uncle...
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Pre 1965 – 60 Amp Electrical Services Featured Image
Houses constructed before 1965 featured a 60-amp electrical overhead service. Canadian insurance companies have opted not to accept these services due to concerns about their adequacy in meeting today’s electrical demands, potentially posing a fire hazard. If you own a home built before 1965 and plan to sell it, there are critical considerations. Modern Realtors...
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Can I Get Home Insurance with a 60 Amp Service Featured Image
Home insurance companies, over the last number of years, have decided that it would not be in their best interest to underwrite policies for 60-amp residential electrical services. If you find yourself in need of a 60-amp service upgrade for home insurance purposes, I have identified three available options for buyers of older homes when...
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