In the province of Alberta, as per the Alberta Safety Codes Act and permit regulations, a residential electrical permit is mandatory for installing, altering, or adding to an electrical system. This implies that if you plan to construct a garage with electrical wiring or develop a basement, securing an electrical permit is essential. Now that we’ve covered that crucial information, let’s delve into reality.
The DIY Homeowner Dilemma
Today’s homeowners share a common goal with previous generations – achieving the most while minimizing costs. Whether we read books or watch YouTube videos to gather knowledge for DIY home projects, armed with newfound wisdom and shiny tools, we embark on building a better world for ourselves and our families. However, in this pursuit, we often overlook the significance of permits. Speaking of permits, don’t forget that you also need a building or development permit for all construction projects… just a friendly reminder.
Two Paths to an Electrical Permit
Obtaining a residential electrical permit can be done in two ways. As a homeowner residing in the house where the project will take place, you can apply for a “homeowner’s permit” from your local authority or city. This means you’ll be responsible for the work, ensuring it meets today’s electrical code requirements.
Alternatively, you can acquire an electrical permit by hiring a reputable electrical contractor to complete the work. Request a copy of the electrical permit at the project’s outset and obtain copies of the city electrical inspector’s reports. There will be two inspections – a rough-in inspection before drywall installation and a final inspection after completing all work. Note that in some areas, a substantial fee may be imposed by the city for inspection failures, requiring the inspector to return after deficiencies are corrected.
Navigating Code Changes
With the 2015 Canadian Electrical Code Part 1, 23rd Edition in effect since January 1st, 2016, significant changes have been implemented, impacting how electrical wiring is installed in homes. Ignorance of these changes can result in substantial costs.
Insurance Implications
In my experience, a considerable number of basement developments and garages constructed by homeowners proceed without obtaining electrical permits. Underwriters from a local home insurance company have emphasized that “if an electrical permit is not secured for a project and a fire occurs, the homeowner’s policy may be void.” This is a concerning situation simply because one forgot or wanted to save a few dollars on the permit. When selling your home, be cautious, as modern buyers often request permits for developed basements.
Feel free to contact us anytime for a complimentary quotation at 780-238-8195.